Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Blog

Hey, all my trusty followers. I am changing to a new blog address. Something more personal and my hope is to blog more about fun crafts and our daily life. So if you want to keep reading follow me over to

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nursery Time!

My second pregnancy is coming up on its home stretch. 7 weeks to go. I can't believe it! Not sure if it is the fact that we have been busy making a new life in a new city or the fact that I am running after a toddler but this baby flew (pun intended)!

I am in nesting mode (maybe not exactly since there's still 7 weeks), but I am definitely in 'get this nursery finished' mode. Even though our first son slept in our room for months before taking up residency in his nursery I still like the feeling of knowing its complete. It seems a little like I am running on the late side but as long as he doesn't grace us with his presence early, we should be good.

I am getting pretty psyched. Excited to see how my first little man will react to his new little brother. I am pretty sure he will be overjoyed since he runs around the house carrying the babies new booties and reminding me constantly that they belong to his new brother and how cute they are.

I know in just a few short weeks I will be outnumbered. The ratio of men to women is going to dwindle. And I couldn't be happier. Maybe eventually the numbers will even out but maybe not, and that's ok. A house full of boys would definitely make for spirited fun!

Technology Hex.....not kidding

I am hexed. I don't know why or how but somewhere once upon a time someone had to have put a technology hex on me. Don't laugh. I am serious. Totally. Previously I attributed it to the fact that our desk top was a little old, maybe had a virus. It had to be probably because we lived in an old brick house, it was somehow stopping signals. Which would also explain why my cell phone never wanted to work either. But then we moved. To an entirely different state, into a new house, new neighborhood AND my husband bought me a new laptop. Guess what? The hex followed me.

My cell phone drops calls constantly. My brand new laptop just stopped working bc a small bottle of gummi bears dropped on it. After being sent to the laptop doc, 5 weeks later it comes back. Fixed and good to go. I have the company we have our service through come out and check the line. They say everything is running the way it should (which is by the way, the same thing they always said in our old city and old home). So why then, does my internet still work only for a few minutes at a time a few times a week, or month if its really bad.

Is it me? Could it really be? I don't think of myself as that tech challenged. So what then could be the logical explanation?!

Now that I am in Louisiana I am going to have to visit a voodoo priestess who can remove this curse. But I'd rather not. That my friends is a conundrum. What shall I do?